Join our 12-week program for veterans.

Exercise Physiologists play a vital role in the treatment, prevention and management of chronic disease. Chronic Care Australia’s unique treatment protocol works with a client’s healthcare team to meet the complex and varied mental and physical health challenges faced by more than 50% of Australians.

We have developed and validated an exercise medicine delivery and prescription system that successfully treats, manages and prevents mental and physical illnesses concurrently. We triage the whole person so that all aspects of health are considered in our treatment plans.

The aim of of Exercise Physiology is to;

Assess and design an individualised exercise program that addresses the needs of their referred, specific clinical condition.
Provide patients with the skills to independently and long-term manage their health condition through an appropriate exercise regime

12-week program prices vary depending on frequency. Costs start at $75 per week.
Private Health & Medicare Rebates apply

How to register.

Step 1

To commence your journey with us please complete the form below. Ensure all sections are complete. If the form below does not load (some browsers do not like to load it on this page), click here.

Step 2

When you click submit, you will receive a secure code to your mobile that will need to be entered to complete your submission.

Step 3

Your registration form and contact details will be emailed to our admin team. From here, we will contact you to schedule your initial consultation.

Register here.

If the form does not load (some browsers do not like to load it on this page), click here to travel directly to our alternate registration page.

All identifying data is hosted securely on our database server which is located in Australia, and will not be accessible to anybody but the staff directly involved in the provision of your program. We value your privacy greatly and have gone to great lengths to ensure your data is secure and no identifying data will be shared with any third party.